My blog Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective as of May 7, 2021


“Owner” – Jerry Fleurival.
“User” – User or visitor of the site.
“Personal Record of Information” – (Personally Identifiable Information) – User’s Name, Email Address, Payment Information, and other listed below.
“Site” –


What is Privacy Policy?

Privacy Policy is a legal document that states what “personal record of information” given by a User of the Site on how it is used, collected, and protected. This ensures compliance with Federal and State Laws. As well as to ensure trust and good business practices with Users or Buyers of this Site. The Owner makes sure that the Site continues to update its privacy policy as new legislatures arises. As such, the Site will inform Users or Buyers of the update to the policy by email, blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Users may opt out of email announcements by clicking on the email link that says “opt out of receiving future announcement”.

Notice of California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)

According to Code “BPC” under division 8 of chapter 22: Internet Privacy Requirements, this Site complies with the provisions of 22575 to 22579. All residents of the state of California and other states shall read statements given by this Site in its entirely. The privacy policy can be found at the bottom of every webpage of this Site in a hyperlink with a keyword: “Privacy Policy”.

Terms of Use

In compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), you must be 13 years old or older to make purchases on the Store page and fill out contact form on the Contact page. There will be a pop up window asking for your date of birth when you click “Pay Now” button or “Send Email” button. If you are under 13 years of age, you must tell a Parent or a Legal Guardian at least 18 years old about


What Personal Record of Information is Collected and How?

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Business Inquiry Messages (Contact page)
  • Date of Birth (COPPA compliance)
  • Address (To Ship Bought Items to Buyers)
  • Debit & Credit Card Info. (Through Paypal Services)
  • IP Address

Personal Record of Information is collected when you simply visit the Site (IP Address Only), fill out the contact form on the Contact page, and go through Paypal Invoices API to make a purchase.

How is Personal Record of Information is Used?

Personal Record of Information is used for addressing site issues, responding to business inquiries through the contact form on the Contact page, processing purchases from the Store page, and identify bad actors by IP address.

How is Personal Record of Information Stored and Protected?

Personal Record of Information is kept up to 3 days after responding to an inquiry or purchasing item(s) within 24 hours. Contact Form information is sent to the email server of the Site. This Site uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) by Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority G2. It provides a 2048 bit RSA encryption of User data through the Site.

Use of Services

When a User visits the “Store” page, the User will be able to purchase items through Paypal Invoice API. Paypal Terms and Conditions Applies.

Use of Services

If a User is already sign in to (Google LLC and its affiliates), then on this Site may embed YouTube Videos and links that will go directly to and other Google related platform content.

Navigating Away from Site to Social Media Platforms

Site links such as icons and keywords may link you directly to the social media platform. As such, you may have already signed in prior to visiting this Site.

Use of Cookies, Log Files, and Tracking

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small amount of user data that is captured by a website such as logins, contact forms, suggested items, recently viewed items, recently viewed websites, and user interface perferences all handled by your browser. To find out more about Cookies go to: and

What Cookies are captured?

This Site is hosted under GoDaddy and that they have added a script to strictly monitor website performence. The things that are being monitored and captured through GoDaddy Analytics are connection time, page load time, page errors, browser type, and browser settings to help enhance server performance. To learn more, you may go to

How to remove, block, or manage Cookies?
Click on the following to learn how to manage Cookies.
Cookie settings in IE Edge
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari
Cookie settings in Opera

Your Rights

Users have the right to file a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission(FTC), if the Owner has not responded to address the issue with your Personal Record of Information within 48 hours.

Final Statement:

If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Owner here: